Weekly Newsletter

Are you running out of ideas for your weekly newsletter? Use this prompt to let ChatGPT generate a month worth of email marketing ideas. Replace <URL> with your website's or online store's url and make sure to provide the type of your business and what month or season (such as "summer") you want to create the ideas for.


Please act as an experienced email marketing expert with a strong background in content marketing.

Generate 4 weekly email marketing ideas to be used for our [online store/business/local store] in [month/season].

Here you can find more details about us: <URL>

Please put your ideas into a table with title of the campaign as well as suggested subject lines and preview text.

These emails are extremely important for the success of our business. Please take your time.


Please act as an experienced email marketing expert with a strong background in content marketing.

Generate 4 weekly email marketing ideas to be used for our direct-to-consumer online store in summer.

Here you can find more details about us: https://www.salomon.com/

Please put your ideas into a table with title of the campaign as well as suggested subject lines and preview text.

These emails are extremely important for the success of our business. Please take your time.

Example Output

Job Detail Icon 01


Email Marketing

Job Detail Icon 02


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